Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vegan Curried Tomato Tofu versus The Perfect Pot Roast

Huh? Some of you may be confused by the title since it is like comparing apples and oranges or comparing cats and dogs. There are times though that one of our cats, Abby would some time imitate a dog. She would come when her name is called. The same is true for vegan food where some vegan meats would attempt to imitate real meat. Abby is still very independent like a cat so her imitation of a dog is very limited. Similar to vegan meat, it also attempts to taste like real meat but does a very poor job.

Don’t make a vegan dish just to copy a regular meat entrĂ©e because in many cases it just doesn’t work. One of my favorite Chinese dishes is tomato beef over rice. I made a vegan oil-free variation using tofu instead of beef and it was unbelievable. There is no reason to attempt to replace the beef with fake meat like Tofurkey. Cooking vegan dishes is a challenge in itself but to do it with no oil is double the challenge! Here is the recipe:

• 1/2 lb. of cremini mushrooms
• 1 tsp. chopped garlic
• 1 tsp. chopped ginger
• 1 tomato quartered (preferably heirloom)
• 1/3 cup sliced yellow onions
• 1/2 cup of firm tofu or baked tofu
• 1/4 lb. of fresh wide rice noodles
• 1/2 cup of chopped bell peppers (optional)
• 1/2 cup of chopped green onions (optional)

• 2 tbsp. organic ketchup
• 1 tsp. curry powder
• 1 tbsp. Braggs Amino Acids
• 1 tbsp. corn starch
• 2 cups of vegetable stock
• White pepper to season

Mix all the sauce ingredients in a cup or a mug. The vegetable broth needs to be cold or else the corn starch will clump up. Set this aside. Boil some water and have it ready to cook the rice noodles. Toss in non-stick pan or a wok the onions, mushroom, garlic, and ginger without oil. Cook it for 30 seconds and then add some vegetable stock. The aromatics will cook in the liquid and still be brown as the stock evaporates. Stir fry for another 1-2 minutes and then add the tomatoes and tofu.

The most important thing to remember is not to overcook the vegetables. Cook for another minute and then add the sauce mixture. Continue to stir the sauce and vegetables so it will not clump up as the sauce will thicken up quickly. As soon as the sauce is thickened, turn off the heat. Throw the rice noodles in the boiling water. Loosen the rice noodles and cook for no more than 2 minutes. Drained the noodles onto a plate and immediately add the vegetable mixture to the rice noodles. You can add cilantro on top for taste if you like. The calorie on this dish is probably less than 600 and calorie from fat is under 50. For a typical Chinese version of this dish is probably double in both total calories and in fat calories.

Since I have not converted the rest of the family to vegan, I made a pot roast tonight as well. The perfect pressure cooker pot roast! My sister, Melanie bought for me a pressure cooker for my birthday. It is one cooking appliances that I used just as much as my Sous Vide machine. I’ve adopted a recipe that I found online and made it many times better. The original recipe is way too salty! Here is a healthier version of the recipe that makes the perfect pot roast:

• 1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
• 3 lbs. of chuck roast
• 1 large onion chopped
• 14 oz. organic beef broth (no salt)
• 3/4 lb. cremini mushroom
• 3 carrots chopped
• 1/2 oz. organic brown gravy mix
• 1 oz Italian and Ranch style dressing mix
• 4 cloves of fresh garlic

I never believed until now that good quality meat makes a lot of difference. Last week I used chuck roast that was grass fed that cost $5.99/lb from Metropolitan Market. Today I used a choice chuck roast from Safeway that cost $1.99/lb. The one from last week was significantly better! Who would guess this would be the case for chuck roast??

Heat the pressure cooker using the browning setting with the lid open. Dredge the pot roast with flour and brown on both sides. Add the chopped onions, garlic and mushroom to the pressure cooker.

In a small bowl mix the seasoning and the beef broth together. Pour the mixture into the pressure cooker. Do NOT add salt.  Seal the pressure cooker and set it for 75 minutes on high pressure (15psi).  I highly recommend after 75 minutes to allow the pressure cooker to "natural" pressure release. Essentially you want the cooker to cool down enough naturally to open the lid without releasing the pressure manually. This allow the meat to be more tender!  It takes 15-20 minutes the natural process to occur.

After opening the lid, take the meat out and set the pressure cooker back to browning. Add a corn starch mixture to thicken the gravy and place the meat back in the pressure cooker. Set the setting to keep warm before serving. I guarantee you that you'll have the perfect pot roast (so I was told).

Vegan versus Pot Roast? I'll let you decide :)

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