Friday, December 24, 2010

For The Birds! - Part 2

Sorry it has taken so long to continue with the blogging of the 8-course dinner party. Life got in the way as usual :) I believe we were on course #5 the cranberry sorbet with frozen grapes. This was the palate refresher and a way to relax after having 4 courses in the last 90 minutes. My friend Dottie actually made this dessert so I can't take credit. I did suggest adding frozen grapes since I actually seen this on a recipe once. The presentation of this is aesthetically beautiful!

I like the use of green since it feels organic and fresh. The palate refresher had a great balance of tartness from the cranberry and sweetness from the frozen grapes.

The next course was probably my most challenging. I never cooked with pheasant before and it was difficult to find great recipes. I decided to brine it for about 3 hours with thyme and salt water to keep it moist. I did read that pheasant has a tendency to be dry when cooked. 

I used a stove top smoker that I bought at Sur La Table. I never used it before and I'm still learning :)  At first I undercooked the pheasant and then I overcooked it was challenging to control the temperature. I should had used it before the actual dinner party ;)

I served the smoked pheasant on a bed of cooked spinach on top of wild rice with Chanterelle mushrooms.

The next dish was the Moroccan Goose stew pot pie. Have I told you how much I LOVE my pressure cooker?  Goose is a very challenging bird to cook since it has a lot of fat! I deboned the goose and there wasn't a whole lot meat and it wasn't cheap. I pressure cooked the goose for about 25 minutes on high (15 psi) with Moroccan spices like cumin, Cinnamon, chili powder, etc. The meat was then shredded and then placed in a small terrine. I topped it with a puff pastry (store bought) and then baked in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.

I made a mango lassi to go with the goose stew to offset the spiciness. I have to thank my co-worker on the team for the recipe! It was quite easy to make and I had smack a few people around since they were drinking it up before I could serve it! 

The last dish was dessert that my wife made. It was a sticky toffee pudding.  As a vegan it was very hard to say "no" even after 7 courses. 

This was served with vanilla ice cream. Almost all dessert seem to taste better with vanilla ice cream :)


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